Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Registry (SICLDR) is the office where the applications on Layout-Designs of integrated circuits are filed for registration of created IPR. The jurisdiction of this Registry is whole of India. The Registry, as per the guidelines laid down in the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design (SICLD) Act 2000 and the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design (SICLD) Rules 2001, examines the layout-designs of the Integrated Circuits and issues the Registration Certificate to the original layout-designs of the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits.


Certificate Issued


Certificate of Registration of Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Design issued to M/s. Indian Space Research Organisation.


 Applications invited from IC Designers&Manufacturers for registration of original Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Layout Designs under the SICLD Act 2000.

  Copy of order of Honb'le High Court of Delhi in the matter of W.P.(C)-IPD 4/2022 & CM 27/2022
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Content owned & provided by Semiconductor Integrated CircuitsLayout Design Registry (SICLDR)
Government of India

Last Updated:December 20,2023