Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Registry (SICLDR) established for registration of original Intellectual Property in Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design under Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act (SICLDA) 2000.
Promotion of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design in the country.
Act as a catalyst for protection of Intellectual Property of Semiconductor Integrated Circuit i.e. Layout-Designs.
Protecting of Intellectual Property of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.Create awareness for protection of Intellectual Property of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Designs.
Protection of original Layout-Designs of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits as per the provisions of the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout- Design Act 2000.Promote protection of Intellectual Property of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Designs.
Protects Intellectual Property (i.e. layout-design) of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits.Gives EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to the creator of layout-design for 10 years. EXCLUSIVE RIGHT enables the owner to commercially exploit the creation and in case of infringement, get reliefs permitted under the Act.